
Thank you for coming to the fun world of safety! Do you want to start a fulfilling job in this area that is always growing? With the CompTIA Security+ exam, you can get ahead in life. This complete guide looks into Security+, its main parts, and how our training program prepares you to get this prestigious certification.

Security+ is your passport to a great journey in cybersecurity.

If you get the CompTIA Security+ certification, it shows that you have the basic information and real skills needed to work with computers safely. It gives people the security skills they need to start jobs in IT security, which is an area full of interesting possibilities.

Why Should You Use Security+ as Your Start Point?

Building Blocks for Success: Get the basic information and skills you need to do the basic security tasks that keep IT systems and networks safe. This makes it possible for defense experts to become even more specialized.

Industry Recognition: The Security+ certification is appreciated so much by most companies and government bodies around the world. Having this certification will strengthen your resume and job prospects.

Meets the DoD 8570 standards: The Security+ license meets the DoD 8570 standards for basic security information, which makes it an excellent tool for anybody looking for jobs in the Department of Defense

Taking the mystery out of the Security+ certification

The CompTIA Security+ certification test is a test designed for people already familiar with a basic level of IT knowledge. It mainly aims to lay a strong foundation in basic defense ideas by covering a wide range of subjects:

Network Security: Know firewalls, IDS/IPS, and network security.

Compliance and Risk Management: Discover how to detect, analyze, and handle security issues within organizational guidelines.

IAM: Identity and Access Management Explore IAM products for IT system user access and authorization management.

Testing and auditing security: Perform security tests and audits to detect and fix vulnerabilities.

Security and disaster recovery: Learn how to address security incidents and implement disaster recovery strategies to keep a firm going.

Know the fundamentals of cryptography, including encryption and decoding to protect private data.

Security+ emphasises practice, not theory. Learn how to use these principles in real life to prepare for corporate security issues. Security+ is distinct from basic safety training since it emphasizes real-world practice.

The whole Security+ test and certification preparation bundle is:

Led by Instructor: Certified security specialists with extensive expertise will instruct you. The challenging sections of Security+ will be explained by them to guarantee you understand the major themes.

Engaging Learning resources: Our course incorporates many engaging learning resources. They contain video lectures, live webinars, and full-length practice exams that are structured and passed like the actual one.

We provide flexible learning alternatives for various programs and styles. Instructor-led online courses, video-based self-paced modules, and a blended-learning approach are available.

Improve with practice: Our wide selection of practice exams will boost your abilities and confidence before the test. They will help you identify study gaps.

Joining our program will provide you the knowledge, skills, and confidence to pass the Security+ certification exam and start a fantastic cybersecurity career.

There are several moneymaking opportunities after Security+.

Many intriguing cybersecurity careers are available after acquiring your Security+ license. You could explore these opportunities:

Security analyst's main job is to identify security risks and gaps and suggest and execute appropriate security solutions.

Security engineers create, implement, and monitor network and system security.

Administrations manage security policies, methods, systems, and technology.

Security Consultant: Advise firms on data security to strengthen security.

People with the necessary abilities are constantly in demand because they play a critical part in these two shifting realms of safety and computing. Security+ certification puts you in a good position to secure the Internet.

instructor led training
on site training
one on one training

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Batch Details

Track Weekdays Weekends

1 Months

1.5 Months


2 Hours/Day

3 Hours/Day


INR 12K | 250 USD

INR 12K | 250 USD

IT Pre-requisite

journey with cnc in 4 steps
journey with cnc step 1
journey with cnc 2
journey with cnc step 3
journey with cnc step 4

Exam Length

Course Outline


Course Features

Training Type
Course Duration
1 Month
No of Hours
2 Hours/Day
Security plus training
Skill Level
INR 12K | 250 USD
Study Material
Batches Available

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