The world of ethical hacking welcomes you! This complete course teaches you how to enter and evaluate computer systems and networks in a responsible way, finding holes in them before bad people can use them. By learning about these holes, you'll be able to protect the safety of your network and become an important part of the rapidly expanding field of cybersecurity.

Finding Out How Powerful Ethical Hacking Is

o find holes in a network or system, ethical hacking, which also called penetration is testing, involves acting like an attacker. This legal way helps organizations address security gaps before hackers break in. Our program teaches you ethical hackers' most significant strategies and tools, enabling you to:

Find Network Vulnerabilities: Security evaluations reveal vulnerabilities in network infrastructure, operating systems, applications, and settings.

Safely exploit weaknesses: Learn to exploit security weaknesses in a controlled environment by emulating real-world attackers to understand how they function.

Stop harmful attacks: Learn how to close security gaps and build strong defenses to prevent attackers from utilizing them.

Fix security gaps before they become big breaches to strengthen your network's defenses.

If you develop these skills, you'll improve your network security from reactive to proactive.

Starting an Ethical Hacker Journey

This course assumes basic networking (TCP/IP, routing, switching) and operating system knowledge (Windows and Linux).

A bachelor's degree in hacking or comparable discipline is helpful but not required. Learning network security aficionados will benefit from this study.

Become a certifiable ethical hacker

The Certified Responsible Hacker will put the whole world to know that you know how to hack responsibly. It's a globally recognized certification. Our training encompasses all of the most recent test plan to help you prepare for the CEH exam:

  • Tools and methods for hacking systems
  • Tools and methods for hacking networks
  • Forensics for systems that use social engineering
  • Tools and methods for hacking the web
  • Taking steps to stop attacks, vulnerability research, and penetration testing

Cloud Computing

You will be able to show potential employers that you know how to hack responsibly and will, therefore, increase your chances of landing a good job in cybersecurity if you take our training and pass the CEH test.

What makes our ethical hacking course special?

We think you deserve the appropriate ethical hacking training. What makes our training special:

Comprehensive Course It includes: Our comprehensive curriculum includes innovative ethical hacking tools, methodologies, and tactics that follow industry standards.

Our cutting-edge laboratories will test your hacking abilities in real-world circumstances to help you comprehend ethical hacking.

Very skilled instructors: Certified and experienced ethical hackers can teach you all that you need to know.

Job Advice: We can help you start your job as an ethical hacker by giving you career advice and writing a great resume.

Beyond the Course: Ethical Hacking Career Success

Cyber threats are becoming smarter, thus ethical hackers are in demand. You may succeed in numerous hacking fields with the skills and knowledge you gain in this course:

Penetration Tester: Do approved penetration tests on an organization's network infrastructure to find and fix holes.

Security Analysts look at dangers and holes in security and come up with and apply good security solutions.

As a security expert, your role is to help businesses make their security stronger by telling them how to keep their data safe.

A security expert spots new holes in systems and software. They help businesses make security better.

The digital safety cruisers may find employment in ethical hacking.

Our Ethical Hacking school will teach you useful skills to achieve a good job as a trustworthy hacker. Let us start making the future safer right now.

instructor led training
on site training
one on one training

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Batch Details

Ethical Hacking
Track Weekdays Weekends

1 Months

1.5 Months


2 Hours/Day

3 Hours/Day


INR 12K | 250 USD

INR 12K | 250 USD

IT Pre-requisite

journey with cnc in 4 steps
journey with cnc step 1
journey with cnc 2
journey with cnc step 3
journey with cnc step 4

Exam Length

Course Outline


Course Features

Training Type
Course Duration
1 Month
No of Hours
2 Hours/Day
Ethical hacking training
Skill Level
INR 12K | 250 USD
Study Material
Batches Available

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