PHP Data Objects PDO Course

Our entire training course teaches you how to utilize PHP Data Objects (PDO) safely and powerfully. Whether you're a PHP developer or new to database administration, PDO organizes and simplifies database access. Discover PDO's benefits and how to quickly transition from MySQL and MySQLi.

Looking at PHP Data Object PDO

PHP allows authors to use MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, and others. Moving between databases is difficult and time-consuming since each line of code must be modified. PDO standardizes database access for developers, speeding this procedure. This allows them to swap database systems without rewriting their scripts.

Why Choose PDO?

PDO allows for a uniform and flexible approach to accessing databases, enabling authors to build code for a number of databases and systems. This brought to focus the strength and speed of PDO, indispensable for online development. Our training course equips even newcomers to PDO with the skills and knowledge needed to maximize the benefits.

Why PHP applications should use PDO

PDO is the most popular database skill since it supports various databases and has so many features. Popularity makes it easy to address common issues by using courses, code examples, and community help. PDO ensures SQL hacking threats are reduced by prepared statements and specialized queries. This protects PHP apps.

Our PDO training covers everything from basic CRUD activities to advanced concepts like transactions and prepared statements. You will learn how to add secure, quick, and scalable PDO to PHP projects. PDO has the tools and capabilities you need to create a simple contact form or a complex financial app

Who Should Take This Course?

This course is ideal for PHP beginners, students, and professionals switching to PDO. Our training course will teach you how to build SQL-resistant apps or boost your PHP abilities. You just need a basic familiarity of PHP and databases to start.

What You Need

Before enrolling in our PDO program, you should understand PHP and databases. No matter your coding background, our training course offers you the skills and support you need. Start studying PDO now and transform your database management forever.

instructor led training
on site training
one on one training

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Batch Details

Track Weekdays Weekends

20 Hours

20 Hours


2 Hours/Day

3 Hours/Day


INR 8K | 150USD

INR 8K | 150USD

IT Pre-requisite

Basic PHP Knowledge

Satarter Knowledge of operating with any database.

journey with cnc in 4 steps
journey with cnc step 1
journey with cnc 2
journey with cnc step 3
journey with cnc step 4

Exam Length

Course Outline


Course Features

Training Type
Course Duration
20 Hours
No of Hours
2 Hours/Day
PDO training
Skill Level
INR 8K | 150 USD
Study Material
Batches Available

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