
Node.js allows developers to create network programs in JavaScript that run on network IO and change server development. Experience Node.js power with real-world applications and improve your skills with our in-depth training.

Learn Node.js to Change Server-Side Development

Node.js is a free, multiplatform JavaScript server-side framework. Node.js' single-threaded, event-driven environment on Google's V8 engine works well for continuous event-driven services. Node.js can create push-based systems, web pages, and API services. IT workers need this technology to stay ahead in the fast-paced digital business.

Checking out Node.js training

In our Node.js certification course, you'll discover fundamental concepts. Express.js, NPM, REST, and MongoDB/SQLite CRUD activities are examples. Build robust HTTP servers using Node.js principles. It will give you the confidence and abilities to solve real-world situations.

Benefits of Node.js Certification

Start your success with Node.js certification. This will expand computer development options. Learn Node.js to create complex, useful applications without writing much code. This will accelerate development and boost productivity. Node.js developers earn an average of $104,964, making it a strong option for professionals.

Eligibility Criteria

Technical project managers, technical heads, full-stack web developers, business analysts, architects, and web development project leaders may benefit from our Node.js certification training. Even if you're a beginner, our software developer training will help you succeed.

Previously required

Our Node.js certification course requires some basic HTML and JavaScript skills. These basics make learning Node.js easy for everyone.

Maximize your potential with Node.js

Node.js allows developers to build scalable, high-performance programs by pushing server development. Node.js allows developers to build APIs, deal with lots of data, and create real-time programs. Our detailed training program will ensure you succeed in the competitive IT market today and realize your career goals.

Register in our Node.js today

Our Node.js certification training may change your backend development. Acquire practical training, new skills, and find a new job in the rapidly changing digital design industry. Enroll in our Node.js training program today to start succeeding.

instructor led training
on site training
one on one training

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Batch Details

Node JS
Track Weekdays Weekends

20 Hours

20 Hours


2 Hours/Day

3 Hours/Day


INR 8K | 150USD

INR 8K | 150USD

IT Pre-requisite

Take up this Node JS training course includes fundamental information of JavaScript and HTML.

journey with cnc in 4 steps
journey with cnc step 1
journey with cnc 2
journey with cnc step 3
journey with cnc step 4

Exam Length


Course Outline


Course Features

Training Type
Course Duration
20 Hours
No of Hours
2 Hours/Day
Node JS training
Skill Level
INR 8K | 150 USD
Study Material
Batches Available

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